Community Building: A Co-Design Workshop

Community Building: A Co-Design Workshop

Community Building: A Co-Design Workshop

Date: April 26th

Time: 10:30 am

Theme: Embodiment

This two-part workshop will dive into the concept of embodiment by allowing participants to engage with alternative modes of being, first by exploring the meaning of flags and the identities tied with them, and second by engaging with the lived experience of mobility-impaired people.

Future flags will begin with a short discussion about flags, their meanings and intertwinings. Afterwards, participants will discuss, brainstorm ideas and in the end, they will create their own flag layout with the provided materials. There is no prior knowledge required to attend this workshop, other than a willingness to make art and to connect with other people’s stories and creations. 

The workshop on mobility will begin with a brief explanation of the targeted groups of the project and how a design can be problematic in terms of accessibility and mobility. This will then lead into a discussion about spaces in Montreal and reflecting on their accessibility for people with mobility challenges. Participants will then be invited to share their observations of similarly challenging spaces in the city, and mark them on a map.

Facilitated by Tarcisio and Shadi

2024 Master of Design Research-Creation Symposium
2024 Master of Design
Research-Creation Symposium
2024 Master of Design Research-Creation Symposium